For over six decades, Olmsted Scholars have pursued graduate studies at foreign universities in topics ranging from political science and history to literature. But the true power of the Olmsted Scholar Program comes from the experience of full immersion in foreign countries and cultures across the globe.
By living on their own in foreign countries, Scholars gain a new world view that can’t be learned in any other way, with insights into local customs, traditions, values, history, politics, pop culture and so much more. They’re forced to grapple with the daily rigors of life: Finding their own residences, learning the local currencies, enrolling their children in schools or buying groceries.
The challenges Scholars and their spouses typically face upon arrival overseas are only the beginning of a deeper cultural experience that reshapes their perspectives as military leaders and as people. As they settle into their new homes, Scholars gain a broader awareness of the cultural differences in values, beliefs and attitudes of the people in their host countries, including a better idea of how they view the United States.
After two years of cultural immersion, Scholars grow intellectually, think differently, anticipate different perspectives and question assumptions. These qualities give Scholars a new perspective and an openness that prepares them for a lifetime of leadership challenges and responsibilities in any environment, whether in the military or the private sector. Click here to view the Scholar Travel Policy.