
Light the Night 2017 Walk

The Olmsted Foundation “Light the Night” team gathers before the 2017 charity walk. Picture from left to right: CPT Mike McCaughey (OSC 18, Lisbon), LT Chris Putko (OSC 18, Jerusalem), Alison Birsic, George Birsic (OSC 98, Zagreb), Danielle Smith, Capt Chris Smith (OSC 18, Berlin), Andy DuBois (OSC 11, Taipei), Elsie Smith, Ann Hartmann, Dave Estep (OSC 86, Dijon), Gentry Faulkner, LT Zach Smith (OSC 18, Thessaloniki), Mark Elfendahl (OSC 99, Jena), Barb Yablonski, Chris Yablonski and Tom Keithly (OSC 77, Strasbourg). Not pictured: Deb Loewer (OSC 84, Kiel), Joyia McCaughey, Colt McCaughey, Isabella McCaughey, Sophia McCaughey.